Advertising conditions

The following conditions apply to all orders and requests for publication and advertisements in The Advertisers.
1) For the purpose of these conditions as follows the word ‘Publisher” shall refer to Atlantic Print Media LLP and the word “advertiser” shall refer to the person or persons responsible for placing an order for publication either verbally or in writing.
2) An advertisement is accepted on the understanding that the relationship between an advertiser and the Publisher is governed by these conditions. Unless specifically approved in writing by the Publisher, any conditions stipulated on an advertisers or an advertisers agency order form, or elsewhere, shall be void.
3)Advertisement copy shall be legal, decent, honest and truthful, shall comply with the British Code of Advertising Practice and all other Codes under the general supervision of the Advertising Standards Authority; and shall comply with the requirements of current legislation.
4) The Publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement submitted for publication.
5) The Publisher reserves the right to reject or amend advertisement copy where necessary, or desirable, or to require any such copy to be altered to meet their approval. If the Publisher considers it necessary to modify space or alter the date or position of insertion, the advertiser will have the right to cancel if such arrangements are unacceptable, unless such changes are due to an emergency or circumstances beyond the Publisher’s control. Where the advertisement forms part of a series order, the liability of the advertiser shall be limited to the pro-rata cost of those advertisements already published.
6) In the event of any error, misprint, inaccuracy or omission in the printing of an advertisement or part of an advertisement, whether the result of negligence or other cause, except where attributable to an act or default by the advertiser or his/her agents or where covered by Clause 5 above, the publisher will either re-insert the advertisement or make a refund of or an adjustment to the cost. No re-insertion, refund or adjustment will be made where the error, misprint or omission does not materially detract from the advertisement. In no circumstances shall the total liability of the Publisher for any error, misprint, inaccuracy or omission, whether the result of negligence or other cause exceed (a) the amount of a full refund of any price paid to the Publisher for the advertisement in connection with which the liability arose or (b) the cost of a further or corrective advertisement in connection with which the liability arose.
7) The Publisher cannot accept liability for any errors due to inaccurate copy instruction.
8) Advertisement rates are subject to revision at any time and individual orders are accepted on condition that the price binds the Publisher only in respect of the next issue to go to press.
9) Telephone space bookings are subject to the same conditions as written orders. Nevertheless the advertiser is required to issue written confirmation of a verbal booking as far in advance of the publication date as possible and certainly within 7 days of the booking.
10) At least 2 weeks notice prior to the publication date is required to stop or suspend an insertion.
11) The advertiser will indemnify the Publisher fully in respect of any costs, proceedings, claims, damages or losses arising directly or indirectly from the publication of an advertisement where such an advertisement conformed with the copy instructions supplied by the advertiser.
12) The placing of an order by an advertiser constitutes an assurance that all necessary authority and permission has been secured for the use in an advertisement of supplied logos, photos, the written copy, artwork, fonts and any pictorial representation of or of words attributable to a living person. The advertiser is to indemnify the Publisher in respect of all actions, proceedings, costs, claims and demands arising from any breach of this condition.
13)The Publisher does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage whatsoever caused (a) for any failure to publish an advertisement on the date or dates specified by the advertiser or (b) for any failure to publish an advertisement on the date or dates specified by the advertiser whether the actual date be earlier or later than the date or dates specified.
14) In accepting financial advertisements, the Publisher does so on the understanding that their copy content, authorisation and placing have been processed in accordance with the Financial services Act 1986 and any subsequent amendments.
15) The copyright on artwork/copy contributed to an advertisement by the Publisher shall be vested in the Publisher.
16) The advertiser’s property and artwork etc submitted for use or reference are held at his/her risk and should be insured by him/her against loss or damage from whatever cause. The Publisher reserves the right to destroy all artwork which has been in his custody for 12 months from the date of its last appearance.
17) Notwithstanding anything in the above which may provide to the contrary, the Publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damage consequential or otherwise, caused by or arising out of any Act of Parliament, Order in Council, Act of State, strike of employees, failure of equipment, lock-out, trade dispute, enemy action, rioting, civil commotion, fire, force majeure, Act of god or other similar contingency beyond the control of the Publisher.
18) Time shall not be of the essence in respect of any advertisement.
19) It is the responsibility of advertisers to check that their published advertisement is correct and any errors found should be immediately notified to the Publisher.
20) All printed matter appearing in The Advertisers carries a copyright. No part may be reproduced copied or published by any means whatsoever without the written consent of the Publisher.
21)While every endeavour will be made to meet the wishes of advertisers, the Publisher does not guarantee the insertion, the position or the colour of any particular advertisement.
22)Accounts are strictly nett and unless by prior agreement must be pre-paid. Where credit agreement exists our terms are that our account must be settled within 14 days of the date of the advertisement. If the account is overdue the Publisher reserves the right to suspend insertions.
23) Copy must be supplied without application from the Publisher. In the event of copy instruction not being received by the copy date the Publisher reserves the right to repeat last copy used.
24) These conditions and all other express terms of the contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England.
25)The placing of an order and request for publication of an advertisement by any means shall be deemed to be an acceptance of the above conditions.
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